Easy Global Host resells services from a selection of providers. You must abide by the terms and conditions imposed by our hosts: · DigitalOcean · Vultr · Linode 

In addition, we impose the following terms and conditions: 

· All payments are final. There are no refunds or withdrawals 

· You are responsible for all activities that occur under your account 

· Emailing is disallowed on our services and only enabled at our own discretion 

· You understand that once your balance reaches $0.00, your servers will be stopped and suspended for a maximum of 48 hours. After this time, they are permanently destroyed 

· Only one account is permitted per user. If you are found to have multiple accounts they may be terminated, along with your servers, without notice 

If you breach these terms of service or that of our hosts, your account and/or servers may be suspended without notice. 

Likewise, any breach of our Acceptable Use Policy can result in your account and or/servers being suspended without notice. 

No harmful or malicious content 

You may not use our services to promote or engage in activities that are intended to be harmful. This includes any action we believe was intended maliciously to cause harm, damage or loss. 

· Fraudulent websites or applications designed to cause harm to others. These include but are not limited to: 

o Applications/Websites designed to obtain sensitive information such as usernames, passwords and credit card details by disguising oneself as a trustworthy entity, also known as Phishing. 

o Denial of Service (DoS). Inundating a target with communications requests so the target either cannot respond to legitimate traffic or responds so slowly that it becomes ineffective. 

· Applications that may cause damage to other systems or perform security violations. Certain activities include but are not limited to: 

o Accessing or using any system without permission, including attempting to probe, scan, or test the vulnerability of a system or to breach any security or authentication measures used by a system. 

Unsolicited Communication 

You may not send email-based communications without the consent of the recipient. 

Tor Exit Nodes 

You are able to run Tor Exit, Relay, and Bridge nodes on Easy Global Host Servers. Please let us know that you are running an Exit Node by talking to us on support. This will help us deal with abuse complaints. We will not accept purposefully malicious activities. 

Acceptable Use Policies of our provided hosts 

You must also abide by the acceptable use policies of third-party. These can be found below: · DigitalOcean · Vultr · Linode 

Remedial Action 

The following steps will take place upon report of abuse. 

1. In most cases, the offending server will be taken offline and left suspended. 

2. A member of the support team will pass on all details of the offence and give simple instructions on what actions need to be taken to reach a resolution. Failure to address abuse reports can result in account termination. 

3. In severe cases, the server may be destroyed to prevent further damage and the account responsible for provisioning the offending server will be permanently terminated with no chance of appeal.